David Franco Alonso

About me


I’m David, I am 21 and I’m a student of UPC.

What did I do?

I was in charge of the Quality Assurance, so one of my main focus during the development of the game was to detect and point all the bugs and the issues our game had. I was also in charge of making all the builds and set the development freeze dates. So I spend a lot of time playing the game detecting the problems and trying to fix them.

I used mainly Github Issues to keep track of everything and have it all in order so the team could have a clear vision of what we had to do and which was the priority of it.


I was also the person who had to made all the maps and the different iterations of each one. In order to do this, I used the software Tiled to create these maps.


I was also in charge for some of the artistic tasks. Some of the things I had to do include drawing sprites, get textures and modify existing sprites.


In the coding part I also did some work. Mainly was fixing issues, and looking for problems, but some modules that were created by me were the minimap and the godmode (debug features) such as removing the Fog of War.

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Another ask I did, it was that I was the person responsible of making the playtesting. I made the questionnaires, searched for people (trying to fit the target, but also experimenting with people with different characteristics) and gathered all the data and used this info to make the game more fun and more balanced.


Finally but not less important, I was in charge of the animation trailer we used to promote the game.