Rodrigo de Pedro, Game Designer


Name: Rodrigo De Pedro
Age: 20
Occupation: DDV student in UPC
Residence: Vilassar de Mar, BCN (Spain)
Role in the project: Game Designer


As the game designer, I have the task of creating and modifying game mechanics in order to provide to the player a enjoyable and fun experience. I must design every element and mechanics of the gameplay and how it relates to others. As well, it is my duty to balance the difficulty curve of the game so it feels challenging and motivating.



I’ve created and maintained the Game Design Document, a living document which serves as reference to the whole team to understand the game vision. It features all mechanics of the game, as well as the assets and data to create all game elements. GDD LINK GDD


I’ve designed and developed the game Artificial Intelligence, which manages all enemy units and must face the player. It’s purpose is to provide a balanced experience with a skill level similar to that of the user.


Map design

I’ve designed the map layout to provide an interesting and replayable game level, which offers different tactics to follow and works as another game mechanic itself.


Techs and Techtree

I’ve designed the different techs in the game and their effects, as well as the in-game code to manage them. Later this techs were simplified by team partners.



I’ve implemented the Jump Point Search in the code, an optimized pathfinding algorithm that uses less resource than classic A star.

Collision management

I’ve collaborated with team partners to create the collision detection and management of the game.

Orders system

I’ve implemented an order system which allows units in game to perform complex tasks as gathering resources or attack enemies in an intelligent and efficient way.

Heroes and skills

I’ve collaborated with team partners to create heroes and their respective skills.